I was so nervous that something would go wrong, shin splint, hip pain, etc. I am not going to say it didn't hurt, because it did! But it was so worth it! My goal was to finish in under 3 hours. My official time was 2:38. The course was beautiful and very exciting, but also very hilly. Miles 6-9 were pretty terrible, but the downhill that followed was rewarding. The spectators were great and the entire race was so well organized. My friend, Leigh Ann, who is much more of a real runner :) participated too and beat her previous pr.
A few pictures from after the race:
The girls participated in the Piglet races on Saturday, it was somewhat chaotic and disorganized, but they loved it and they got a t-shirt and medal.
Will I do it again? Maybe? 13.1 miles is a really long run, very physically exhausting, but such a rewarding experience.