1. Her good manners, she always says "please" and "thank you"
2. The ways she soothes herself by sucking on her fingers while playing with her ear.
3. She says "mines" to show ownership
4. Watching her blow bubbles
5. Her sweet, compassionate spirit
6. She answers her own questions with the response she wants (Can I have some candy? Just say yes!!)
7. She treats her older siblings like she is the oldest, she bosses them around!
8. She wakes up every morning and asks to put on her bathing suit and go to the beach
9. Her run, very funny!!
10. She gets so excited over really small events and talks about it for days, she always says "that was fun"
(Don't worry, we aren't neglecting to note what we love about the other kids, we will note what we love about each of them soon)
What a sweetheart! Love all your posts this weekend!
May I have her? I need a little girl.
Yet again I need to comment on your photography skills. You are really getting good, that picture looks like it dictates her personality. I like reading all your posts. You have me hooked on blogging!
The other day Jason and I were driving down the road and he was trying to stick his fingers in his mouth like Maddie...haha. We think it is cute!
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