Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I Hate the Stomach Flu and other ramblings
Maddie and Ava had the stomach flu this week!! All I can say is, YUCK!! Maddie, being only two does not know how to use words to alert us that she is going to vomit. Instead, she says "I need some medicine" or "I need a drink". We learned these "code words" from experience.
She was lying in the bed with me, she said
"Mommy, I need a drink"
I turn over in the bed
Maddie proceeded to vomit in my FACE.
I am talking my mouth, nose, ears, hair!!
It was disgusting!!!
Maybe the grossest thing that has ever happened to me!
I told Chris that there should be a required course during pregnancy preparing mothers for motherhood :)
So anyway, we all survived and in some crazy way, the stomach flu is good source of family bonding!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
a little miracle....... or two

She was limping on her right leg. The peditrician sent us to a specialist and she was admitted to the Childrens Hospital. The doctors were using words like "infection" and "tumor".

After what seemed like an eternity (36 hours) and lots of medical tests, we were informed that Ava had a fracture in her right fibula. She is now sporting a little pink cast. I never imagined that I would feel relieved to learn that one of our children had a broken bone, but I was!!! I have a new sense of appreciation for healthy children. Take time tonight to hug on your babies, we are all very blessed!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Wish List
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Things I Have Come to Realize.....
Another Saturday at the Austin Homeplace, our house had to be cleaned. Cleaning allows me time to think, ponder, reflect, therefore these are the things I have come to realize today:
1. I am blessed to have a home, this world is full of families without that privilage.
2. I really do not mind to clean, it is somewhat relaxing.
3. Families are awesome, God knew what he was doing when he designed them.
4. I need to quit beating myself up, i am never going to be a stay-at-home mom.
5. I am called to have a job outside of my home and my children will survive and maybe even thrive because of that fact.
6. I am blessed to have true love, many never experience that.
7. I am not going to have anymore babies in my belly.
8. We are a society of excess.
9. Children are joy.
10. Desperate people do desperate things.
1. I am blessed to have a home, this world is full of families without that privilage.
2. I really do not mind to clean, it is somewhat relaxing.
3. Families are awesome, God knew what he was doing when he designed them.
4. I need to quit beating myself up, i am never going to be a stay-at-home mom.
5. I am called to have a job outside of my home and my children will survive and maybe even thrive because of that fact.
6. I am blessed to have true love, many never experience that.
7. I am not going to have anymore babies in my belly.
8. We are a society of excess.
9. Children are joy.
10. Desperate people do desperate things.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Things we love about Anna Beth...
1. Her very creative attempts at manipulation
2. She is addicted to cereal (good thing it is whole grain)
3. She loves her little sisters and acts like a little momma
4. She is truly a girl after my own heart (Chris refers to her as a little Kimbo)
5. We have a bond that is priceless and not explainable
6. She looks at the world from a sincere and non judgemental stand
7. She has an uncanny ability to see good in all
8. She loves God with all of her little heart
9. She is spoiled rotten and does not even know it
10. She is happy going anywhere and doing anything
11. She has a sweet, tender heart
12. Part of her reminds me of special people that are watching us from above
13. She is just all together awesome!!
2. She is addicted to cereal (good thing it is whole grain)
3. She loves her little sisters and acts like a little momma
4. She is truly a girl after my own heart (Chris refers to her as a little Kimbo)
5. We have a bond that is priceless and not explainable
6. She looks at the world from a sincere and non judgemental stand
7. She has an uncanny ability to see good in all
8. She loves God with all of her little heart
9. She is spoiled rotten and does not even know it
10. She is happy going anywhere and doing anything
11. She has a sweet, tender heart
12. Part of her reminds me of special people that are watching us from above
13. She is just all together awesome!!
Happy Birthday Sam
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Ava Caroline
Things we love about Ava:
1. She waddles as she walks
2. Her beautiful skin
3. She has an endless supply of energy
4. Watching her eat pizza
5. She enters a room full of people and works until she has everyone's attention
6. She laughs at herself
7. She wakes up each morning smiling
8. She grunts until she gets what she wants
9. Her hugs and kisses
10. She loves to dance
1. She waddles as she walks
2. Her beautiful skin
3. She has an endless supply of energy
4. Watching her eat pizza
5. She enters a room full of people and works until she has everyone's attention
6. She laughs at herself
7. She wakes up each morning smiling
8. She grunts until she gets what she wants
9. Her hugs and kisses
10. She loves to dance
A Day on the Town
Saturday was one of the very rare times that we only had two children for the day!! We took advantage of the opportunity to take the top off of the jeep and take a ride!! We left the house with no plans and had one of the Best Days Ever!!
Ava gives kisses with her mouth open!! (if only everyday was Saturday)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Bicycles, Bubbles and "Popcicles"
Anna Beth and Sam got new bicycles!! Maddie also got a new tricycle that she calls her "pink popsicle"!! Too cute!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Madelyn Lee Austin
Things we love about Maddie in no certain order:
1. Her good manners, she always says "please" and "thank you"
2. The ways she soothes herself by sucking on her fingers while playing with her ear.
3. She says "mines" to show ownership
4. Watching her blow bubbles
5. Her sweet, compassionate spirit
6. She answers her own questions with the response she wants (Can I have some candy? Just say yes!!)
7. She treats her older siblings like she is the oldest, she bosses them around!
8. She wakes up every morning and asks to put on her bathing suit and go to the beach
9. Her run, very funny!!
10. She gets so excited over really small events and talks about it for days, she always says "that was fun"
(Don't worry, we aren't neglecting to note what we love about the other kids, we will note what we love about each of them soon)
1. Her good manners, she always says "please" and "thank you"
2. The ways she soothes herself by sucking on her fingers while playing with her ear.
3. She says "mines" to show ownership
4. Watching her blow bubbles
5. Her sweet, compassionate spirit
6. She answers her own questions with the response she wants (Can I have some candy? Just say yes!!)
7. She treats her older siblings like she is the oldest, she bosses them around!
8. She wakes up every morning and asks to put on her bathing suit and go to the beach
9. Her run, very funny!!
10. She gets so excited over really small events and talks about it for days, she always says "that was fun"
(Don't worry, we aren't neglecting to note what we love about the other kids, we will note what we love about each of them soon)
Wacky Bear Fun!!
Yesterday we attended Regan's Birthday Party at the WACKY BEAR FACTORY!! Happy Birthday Regan!!
The kids get to pick their own bear and put a "real" heart inside and stuff the bear!
Next, it is time to groom the bear!

Maddie was apprehensive at first,then she warmed up to the idea!

Ava did not care much about the "bear making" but she was very interested in the birthday cookie and juice boxes!! Great day of FUN!!
The finished product, with pj's and all!! ( Not sure where Sam was during this picture). This was definitely one of my favorite birthday party ideas!! No stress and lots of fun!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
To the POTTY!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Supper Basket
Ava can WALK!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Best One Yet
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I've Been Tagged
I have never been tagged I am Super excited. Thanks Elizabeth!!
8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Played on the beach
2. Took a nap
3. Ate really great seafood
4. Floated in the lazy river
5. Enjoyed watching Maddie bravely jump into the pool
6. Watched a little TV
7. Laughed really hard at Vanessa's car trouble
8. Slept with Ava kicking me in the stomach
8 Things I look forward to:
1. Nay, Jason and Halle coming home (and Jason passing the bar)
2. Finishing up unfinished projects at work
3. Spending time at the Wise Pool
4. Redecorating Anna Beth's room with her new IKEA stuff
5. Campfires
6. Ava walking
7. Listening to Anna Beth read me bedtime stories
8. Our next vacation
8 Things I wish I could do:
1. Braid hair (I really need to learn)
2. Sew
3. Be organized
4. Be a great photograher without all the work
5. Let go of grudges
6. Spend more time with people I love
7. Quit worrying
8. Hire someone to do all of my laundry
8 Show I watch on TV:
1. The Today Show
2. The Biggest Loser
3. American Idol
4. Divine Design
5. Trading Spaces
6. News
7. Hannah Montana ( Even when Anna Beth is not watching)
8. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Maddie's favorite)
8 people I tag:
I have a problem with this because blogging is not the "in" thing in Southwest Virginia. Therefore, I tag my friends that blog, however there are not 8 of them:
1. Bryan
2. Bella
3. Lindsey
4. Tammy
Monday, May 25, 2009
Our 5 Day Weekend!!
We traveled with the Phipps' family to Cincinnati on Saturday morning. The girls could not wait to splash around in the pool.

The babies had the best view of the city all the way!!

Anna Beth tried out everything at the concession stand.
It was a fun time for all!!!

Maddie learned to jump into the pool, into Daddy's arms, of course.

Our next endeavor was the walk from our hotel to the ballpark. It is so funny to watch the facial expressions of bystanders as we move along the sidewalk. For some reason people are not accustomed to seeing so many children together. Some folks stare, others laugh, and some even comment , "Wow", "Six Girls", and on and on.
The babies had the best view of the city all the way!!

The game was fun, the kids were good considering the tight quarters.

It was a fun time for all!!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
It's Competition Time
Anna Beth is a member of the dance competition team at "Michole's Stepz" Dance Studio in Norton. It is a big commitment, especially for a 6 year old. She loves it!! She does tap, jazz and ballet. We are gearing up to begin a 3 month competition season that involves traveling to West Virginia and Tennessee. The required hair and make-up has been quite an experience for me!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Intentional Words
I am in the process of writing a 25 page literature review. I am very overwhelmed for a variety of reasons. The review is required to focus on a small topic related to language and literacy and is to include at least 25 scholarly journal articles from the last five years that are also peer reviewed. The librarian is my new best friend!! I had much apprehension deciding on a topic. I have decided to focus on vocabulary instruction and young children in relation to socioeconomic status, sounds interesting, huh?
My research has brought to my attention the importance of language modeling in order to facilitate vocabulary growth in young children. The early childhood years are a time when vocabulary expands more than any other time in human development. When placed in the proper perspective this causes us to think more intentionally about vocabulary exposure. Typically developing children, in the proper environment, pick up words without intentional support from adults the opposite is true when children are not in a language rich environment. In conclusion, this is even more evidence that early intervention programs, like Head Start, are essential in nurturing all young children to become language bearers.
My research has brought to my attention the importance of language modeling in order to facilitate vocabulary growth in young children. The early childhood years are a time when vocabulary expands more than any other time in human development. When placed in the proper perspective this causes us to think more intentionally about vocabulary exposure. Typically developing children, in the proper environment, pick up words without intentional support from adults the opposite is true when children are not in a language rich environment. In conclusion, this is even more evidence that early intervention programs, like Head Start, are essential in nurturing all young children to become language bearers.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Love and Kids
Since it is the 14th of February, I want to ponder the idea of love and young children. We, as adults, know what love is, or do we? Is it a feeling, an action, a word, a gift? How do children perceive love? In one of my favorite books, author Gary Chapman, discusses the idea of love and broadens the idea to love and children. He contends that children view and feel love much like we do as adults. I tend to agree, to an extent. Our differences arise because I look at children through my lens of child development.
We know that young children don't have the ability to think abstractly ( thanks Piaget). Children, in their egocentric state, also believe they are the reason the sun rises in the morning and the moon shines at night. With this egocentric frame of mind, it appears to me that love would be something expected as opposed to our adult view of something we give without the expectation.
Regardless, as parents and early childhood educators, we know that love is essential for the developing child to reach their full potential. Happy Valentine's Day!!
We know that young children don't have the ability to think abstractly ( thanks Piaget). Children, in their egocentric state, also believe they are the reason the sun rises in the morning and the moon shines at night. With this egocentric frame of mind, it appears to me that love would be something expected as opposed to our adult view of something we give without the expectation.
Regardless, as parents and early childhood educators, we know that love is essential for the developing child to reach their full potential. Happy Valentine's Day!!
A Change of Plans
I recently enrolled in a doctoral program at East Tennessee State University. My professor (that I looove) , gave us a motivational talk during our last class, encouraging us to write on a daily basis. Wow, every day, I hardly have to time to eat every day!! Anyway, I have determined that the most effective and time conscious way to write everyday, is to blog. Therefore, I will continue to use this blog for its original purpose of scrap booking our lives, in addition I intend to post about relevant topics in the realm of Early Childhood Education. So buckle up, ECE is a wild ride!! :)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Our 1st Snow Day!!!
We woke up this morning to a blanket of snow. This was certainly the biggest snow of the season and our first snow day. We spent the day at home being very lazy!! Chris says that days like this only come along 3 times in a lifetime :)!! He took full advantage of the lack of time I had to plan a project for him, and watched several hours of television. We decided that daytime television has a bit to be desired. Maddie asked to go "bye bye" a hundred times, she is a true creature of habit. As the day came to an end, Chris admitted that the house can not stand for us to be home for another day (mess is an understatement).
My ever so photogenic family :)
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