Family, Friends, and Fun!
Every December 31st we gather together with those closest to us to celebrate the completion of one year and the beginning of another. With New Year's comes a sense of excitement and anticipation, for we all wonder what mysteries the upcoming year will bring. Will we reach our perennial weight loss goals? Will we kick our nasty habits? Will we finally gain the courage to ask for that overdue pay raise? The list of New Year's resolutions is endless. What's funny is most of us are aware that we'll probably not achieve or satisfy our resolutions, yet we set these goals nonetheless. Why is this? I think the answer to this question is simple....we hope each year will be better than the one before. We believe we'll be happier if we can achieve these resolutions. However, will we really be happier if we lose that 20 pounds? I know I've been talking about losing weight for years, but when I truly think about it, I won't be any happier just a little thinner and a lot hungrier (hunger = unhappiness).
New Year's should be a time of thanksgiving and acknowledgment of the many blessings that the Lord has already bestowed upon us. We shouldn't focus on how the upcoming year can be better than the last, but rather focus our attention on the wonderful events of 2008. Some of us may have faced the loss of a loved one, illness, economic hardship, etc. in 2008, but I believe we should still emphasize the blessings of this past year. No matter how difficult times are, they could always be worse! I could deliver a very spiritual message within this post, but because this isn't my blog I will cease and desist.
In conclusion, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year's! Be sure to live in the present, not the past or future. Again, I ask everyone to be thankful for the gifts 2008 brought. Enjoy every moment the Lord grants you.
Jason (Guest Blogger)
We rang in the new year with lots of good friends. The Hall's, Phipps', Salyer's, Elkins' and Mullins' Families all came to take part in the festivities. Between all of the kids there were 11 girls and 1 boy. Sam was terribly outnumbered!! We ate a great meal prepared by Ness ( Chili and Baked Potatoes) and played games, waiting for the famous ball to drop. Our games were men against women. The men were successful in winning, however the women had much more fun!!

This is a picture of all of the "big" girls ( except Abby, I'm not sure where she was) They had a great time playing in our new play room.