Over my much appreciated Christmas Break, I did a little reading. Historically, I have been a reader and I still read for professional purposes, however reading for pleasure has taken a back burner to my four energy filled, time consuming little ones. My sister recommended this book.
The book is titled "The Last Lecture". It is a story documented the true Last Lecture of a man named Randy Pausch. The book describes his diagnoses with terminal cancer and his attitude towards the end of his life. Randy was a computer science professor at The University of Virginia and at Carnegie Mellon University. He was only in his forties when he passed away and he left a wife and three very young children.
His lecture was entitled "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams". You can watch the entire lecture on You Tube, if you are interested. I would recommend that you read the book first. It is a must for any professional person. In the professional world we tend to become overwhelmed with our jobs, responsibilities, obligations, etc. This book allows you to look at life with a different perspective. It allows you to contemplate your own mortality and the legacy that you want leave at the end of your journey.
Upon completion of the book, I was overwhelmed with sadness. Following that I felt a strong sense of appreciation for my life, especially my health. Finally, I felt an urge to contribute something worthwhile as my legacy.
If your looking for a good book on a snowy day, this is a great one.
1 comment:
I have heard about this book...would love to borrow it once you are all finished with it.
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