Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We Were so in Love….

The conversation went something like this:

Chris:    "Do you remember when we used to be so in love and sleep upside down in the bed?"

Me:    "no" (very confused)

Chris:    "oh"

The conversation ended and we both went back to our normal nighttime routine, baths, lunches, homework, and on and on.

Then before bed the same conversation continued-

Me:    "Could we talk about that sleeping upside down in the bed thing again?"

Chris:    "sure"

Me:    "Why did we sleep upside down in the bed?"

Chris:    "I think we were pretending to be on vacation"

(I did not think sleeping with my head at the wrong end of the bed was something you ordinarily do on vacation, hmmm….)

Me:    "oh, well"

Chris:    "I think you were pregnant with Maddie"

Me:    "What does love have to do with sleeping upside down in the bed?"

Chris:    "Everything"

Me:    "Are we still in love?"

Chris:    "yep"

I dozed off thanking God for my blessings, including love and humor. That is what makes the world go around, right?

Funny conversations are in order around our home place J    


Laura said...

I'm glad you are still in love. Perfect pair.

Lindsey S said...

Great post. It's the simple things...

dude said...

so funny...you guys need a reality show